1. Installation

You can use JunctionArt as an intersection and road generator, or you can use it as a library to build features upon. Both needs the package to be installed. You can install it from the source or the pypi package. To view the roads, you need a tool like esmini or Mathworks Roadrunner. Many of our test codes are integrated with esmini odrplot.

Python version: Works in python 3.7.9. There are some internal python library issues with 3.7.11.

There are some libraries that may face permission errors. In such cases, run your terminal in administrator mode

1.1. To use our generatiors in your project

  1. Install via PIP

pip install junctionart
  1. (Optional) Install https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/ for analysis tools

  2. Read the User Manual

1.2. Extending JunctionArt

Extending JunctionArt requires installing the source and installing poetry to publish in the PyPi repository.

1.2.1. Installing from source

  1. Clone the repository from https://github.com/AugmentedDesignLab/junction-art

  2. Install poetry and conda https://python-poetry.org/docs/ https://www.anaconda.com/

  3. Go to the root folder of the junction-art. Create a new virtual environment with conda.

Run these commands in order

    poetry config virtualenvs.create false --local
    conda env update -f requirements.yml --prune
    pip install --upgrade pip
    conda install -c conda-forge shapely
    conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
    conda install -c conda-forge tabulate
    conda install -c conda-forge psutil
    conda install -c conda-forge scikit-spatial
    poetry install


    poetry config virtualenvs.create false --local
    pip install -r requirements-pip.txt
    pip install --upgrade pip
    conda install -c conda-forge shapely
    conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
    conda install -c conda-forge tabulate
    conda install -c conda-forge psutil
    conda install -c conda-forge scikit-spatial
    poetry install

If you are going to use the analysis tools, you need to make sure libgeos_c is installed (the conda install -c conda-forge shapely command should install it by default.)

1.2.3. Option 2: Install via pip

$ pip install -r requirements-pip.txt